Kenya is a country situated in the East of Africa, whose capital is Nairobi. It is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, and it shares a border with different countries. To the North it borders with Ethiopia; on the East by Somalia; South with Tanzania and Uganda to the West, while South Sudan to the Northwest. It has 44.35 millions of inhabitants.

The society of Kenya, interestingly, lacks national perception. The population of the country is not seen as Kenyan, because are identified with the tribe to which they belong.

Kenyans are very sociable, and they enjoy joining groups. They are tolerant in the sense that they welcome everyone and let you participate actively in society. In the family, grandparents or uncles are concerned about children while parents work, since there are no day-care centres.

Kenya has a great cultural diversity and different ethnic groups live in the country. The influence of British colonization manifests itself in the extended use of the English language and, in fact, most of the Kenyan literature is written in English.

In addition, Kenya is known worldwide in sports for their traditionally dominance in the athletic events.


Unfortunately, Kenya is a country with a lot of problems such as infant mortality or ablation. Corruption is also a very relevant problem, since the Government representatives have even stolen the Monetary Fund to the country.

In Kenya, a country where different ethnic groups live, there are many conflicts, which mostly focus on the Christian community. These do not reach the point of causing a war of religion, but certainly among Christians it is growing madness because they suffered attacks in the past. This is a country with one of the most ancient crisis and which still remains unresolved.
Kenya hosts close to 600 000 refugees with over 355 000 residing in the world's largest refugee camp complex, Dadaab refugee camp, in north-east Kenya. Conflict in neighbouring states, South Sudan and Somalia, has led to an influx of asylum seekers in Kakuma and in Dadaab refugee camps. Refugees in Kenya predominantly depend on humanitarian assistance since they are not allowed to work for a living.

Kenya has been directly affected by the current wave of Islamic terrorism. The Government of Kenya has formed alliances with various powers to curb Islamic terrorism, for example the United States. In fact, the country is aware of the existence of some terrorist cells. It can be considered that Kenya is one of the allies of the United States in the ongoing "war on terror", or war on terrorism. The northern parts of Kenya are prone to droughts and flooding that frequently affect the Horn of Africa. The predominantly livestock-keeping communities in these arid and semi-arid parts of the country have been gradually weakened by the droughts that erode their sources of livelihoods rendering the populations more vulnerable. Livestock losses caused by these droughts, the lack of sustained development and the increase in local populations have diminished the assets of many pastoralist communities.

Poverty has a very negative impact on the well-being of the population, especially in children. Access to drinking water is limited, as well as the right to a healthy diet, medical care, education and the protection of their basic freedoms.

Food insecurity, and poor access to health, water and sanitation services contribute to high levels of malnutrition, which is a major concern in northern Kenya. Coupled with insecurity, and underdevelopment, and with little or no recovery time between the droughts, millions of people have lost their main source of livelihoods, that is, livestock.

HIV is also a major problem, since about 3% of the inhabitants of the country suffer from it. This type of diseases which are spreading quickly because of the lack of hygiene and because of the lack of medical or personal resources, trained to treat them.

And to end this horrible situation, we have to say that circumcision or female genital mutilation is still practiced in various parts of Kenya. The procedure is painful and humiliating, as well as unhygienic and dangerous in the extreme. Girls subjected to this procedure often suffer from various types of infections and bleeding. In addition, death is a very common result.

In order to help Kenya, the European Union will allocate 346 million euros from the European Development Fund between 2014 and 2020. The money goes to the free use of the Government of Kenya. He is expected that they finance budgets in order to build new roads and hospitals, and provide medicines that will be available to the population, since many of the children in this country die of diseases.

The Commission has been providing support to populations affected by drought for many years in the arid and semi arid parts of the country. During emergencies, the European Commission undertakes life saving programmes that target the most vulnerable segments of the population. Such actions include provision of basic health services, food assistance, and the integration of nutrition activities into the health system.

Communities which are forewarned of drought are better able to prepare appropriate and timely responses. The Commission invests in preparedness actions which include monitoring key indicators such as water availability, animal health and resource-based conflict issues as well as improving systems capable of predicting drought in close collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union to Kenya and its partner, the National Drought Management Authority.

In Kenya, the European Commission's humanitarian assistance also targets the Somali refugees as well as the host populations. The Commission has provided substantial funding over a number of years for the Dadaab refugee camps. The funds have mainly supported food aid, the building of latrines, the rehabilitation of out-of-date water supply systems, primary health care activities, as well as a large expansion programme.

The European Commission also operates a humanitarian air service, ECHO Flight, to northern Kenya to facilitate access to remote areas by ECHO partners and other humanitarian agencies. It is provided free of charge to end users.

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