"Euroscola" is a project at the level of the European Union, created for young people of the countries members of the union, in which they face a series of activities in order to raise their awareness and give them a more direct image of European solidarity both inside and outside; as well as updating about the cooperation of the European Union (EU) on the eradication of poverty and the role of the EU as a major donor development aid world.

The project itself, tries to encourage citizen participation, promotes a sense of responsibility among citizens, sensitizes public opinion about the role of cooperation, public commitment and highlights the importance of the contribution of young people.
The contest was created in 2001 by the European Parliament and is held annually. It goals at the following progress:
  1. Encourage the use of the Internet and new technologies such as educational tools.
  2. Approach the EU young people, improving their knowledge and involvement in the construction of Europe.
  3. Promote the learning of European languages, fundamental to achieve a United Europe. Therefore, the competition is also developed in English.

Dominating other European languages by participant students is important and necessary, given that the winning teams that attend the Euroscola programme in Strasbourg should communicate with the participants of other European nationalities in English or French.
The project has several parts: on the one hand, the participants focus on reading of the various proposed articles on the official website to, subsequently, perform a test on them (valued at 5-20 points); and secondly, the creation and dissemination of a blog which should see reflected a range of knowledge. In addition, during the second phase, the competition encourages us to perform activities, games or chats for a wider dissemination of our project in an alternative way.
Within the knowledge that we show in our blog, Euroscola asks us to choose between several countries in conflict or with development problems which Europe shows aid, to talk about the aid provided.
After the completion of the second phase, which lasts only a month;  the groups have to be waiting for the results.
The Office of the European Parliament in Spain invites different national and regional entities linked to the themes of the contest to collaborate in the diffusion and provide additional prizes. At regional level winners opt for a trip to Strasbourg to work along with the winners of other Member countries. Each winning team, apart from its members, may invite 14 students and 1 teacher more in order to participate in the program. The school is responsible for coordinating the participation of the group.

In the same way, students  members of the top five teams in each autonomous community along with teachers, will receive a diploma (a diploma by team) issued by the European Parliament.

To get more information visit the official web page of "Euroscola"

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